chrom start end strand transcriptName geneID geneName ncRNAtype sequence


The "Tool" module provides three search tools for users to investigate the Pol III-associated ncRNAs.

1. Users can input a gene location in a UCSC compatible format (e.g., chr1:120,844,261-120,844,335 ).

2. Enter a gene sequence to see whether it hits an annotated Pol III-associated ncRNA in the database.

3. Enter a gene ID or gene name (e.g., tRNA-Asn-GTT-2-3, tRNA-Asn-GTT) to see whether it hits annotated Pol III-associated ncRNAs in the database.

The list of results will contain all Pol III-associated ncRNAs that overlap the specified gene, which can be downloaded by clicking the the 'Download Excel' button.